Inner world
Het meisje en de wolf

Niet storen. Een kritische beschouwing over de Riagg
Wie is er nu gek? Over kronkels in de therapeutische relatie

Nog altijd & Cement. Levensverhalen van Auschwitz-overlevenden
Tien componistenportretten in woord en beeld
Keerpunt. Over persoonlijke crises en kansen

Saar Roelofs 

© protected by pictoright



Paintings by Saar Roelofs 


People in their inner world of thoughts and feelings.



Inner vision
acrylic  on canvas; 120x75 cm; © SR, 

acrylic  on canvas; 120x60 cm; © SR, 

Portrait of a man
acrylic  on canvas; 120x75 cm; © SR, 

What she knew
acrylic  on canvas; 120x60 cm; © SR,

Portrait of a lady
acrylic  on canvas; 110x70 cm; © SR,


acrylic  on canvas; 50x40 cm; © SR, 



Glimpses of the mind
Acrylic on canvas, 40x35 cm (each); © SR, 

She knows the difference
acrylic  on canvas; 120x75 cm; © SR, 

Look at me
acrylic  on canvas; 45x40 cm; © SR, 


acrylic  on canvas; diptych, 45x35 cm each; © SR, 



Solo identity
acrylic  on canvas; diptych, 40x35 cm each; © SR, 


Vulnerability 1
acrylic on canvas; 120x75 cm;  © SR, 

Vulnerability 2
acrylic on canvas; 120x75 cm;  © SR,

Vulnerability 3
acrylic  on canvas; 120x75 cm; © SR, 



Full of wonders and things
acrylic on canvas, 110x70 cm, © SR,


In another world
acrylic  on canvas; 115x75 cm; © SR, 

Quiet observation
acrylic on canvas, 120x70 cm, © SR


Defining her life
acrylic and charcoal  on canvas; 90x55 cm; © SR, 

How to face the world
acrylic  on canvas; 95x60 cm; © SR, 


Her secret shame
acrylic on canvas; 100x65 cm; © SR, 

Her whitened hair
acrylic and charcoal  on canvas; 100x60 cm; © SR, 


Tell no lies
acrylic on canvas; 120x60 cm; © SR,

The simple truth
acrylic on canvas; 120x60 cm; © SR,


Amsterdam girl 
acrylic on canvas, 100x60 cm, © SR,

Amsterdam child
acrylic on canvas, 90x55 cm, © SR,






Losing his way (1)
acrylic on canvas, 110x60 cm, © SR,




.  Losing his way (2)
acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 70x50 cm, © SR,





acrylic on canvas, 65x45 cm © SR,

acrylic on canvas, 35x40 cm, © SR,

A lucid dream
Charcoal on paper, 50x45 cm, © SR,

 Whispering night
acrylic on canvas, 60x100 cm, © SR,




Her lingering thoughts
acrylic on canvas, 60X105 cm, © SR,

In another room
acrylic on canvas, 60X105 cm, © SR,

The rosy glow of dawn
acrylic on canvas, 60x110 cm, © SR,




Orange beauty 
acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 100x65 cm, © SR



Sunny afternoon
Inspired by a part of Vélàzquez' painting Las Meninas.
Dyptich, acrylic on paper, 120x 65 cm each



See also a cycle of 20 paintings with text:

The girl and the wolf - About a girl in a concentration camp

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Inner world
Het meisje en de wolf

Niet storen. Een kritische beschouwing over de Riagg
Wie is er nu gek? Over kronkels in de therapeutische relatie

Nog altijd & Cement. Levensverhalen van Auschwitz-overlevenden
Tien componistenportretten in woord en beeld
Keerpunt. Over persoonlijke crises en kansen

Saar Roelofs 

©  protected  by pictoright